Defines the "prime time" for your node, during which mail to lists configured as "Prime= Yes" should not be processed. This option is mostly for small machines that are very busy during business hours. See the List Header Keyword Reference under the list header keyword "Prime=" for more information. Note that the value for PRIMETIME must always be enclosed in quotes, EXCEPT on Windows machines.
Do not confuse "prime time" for time that LISTSERV is allowed to process mail. "Prime time" is the time during which LISTSERV is not allowed to process mail, for example, it is the "prime time" of day on your machine during which other operations must take precedence.
z/VM: |
PRIMETIME = 'MON-FRI: 0800-1700; SAT-SUN: -' |
Unix: |
PRIMETIME="MON-FRI: 0800-1700; SAT-SUN: -" |
Windows: |
PRIMETIME=MON-FRI: 0800-1700; SAT-SUN: - |
Note: Under Windows, the PRIMETIME= value IS NOT QUOTED. For all other OS ports, the variable setting MUST be quoted as shown. |
Default Value
Not allowed.