Defining site configuration keyword values
The syntax used to define these values differs from platform to platform. For each site configuration keyword we have provided examples for all systems affected by the keyword. A general syntax guide follows:
The configuration file is located on LISTSERV's 191 minidisk and is called LOCAL SYSVARS.
KEYWORD = 'somevalue'
Note that for z/VM the space on either side of the "=" sign is required. For substitutions, follow the REXX language syntax. For instance,
MAILER = 'mailer@'NODE
Unix (all)
Unix users may prefer to use the Site Configuration Wizard in the web interface to modify the site configuration, rather than editing go.user by hand. However, as in earlier versions, it remains possible to edit the file by hand if necessary, using a plain-text editor such as vi, emacs, nano, or similar.
Keywords requiring text values:
Keywords requiring numeric values (ie, Boolean settings):
e.g., NODE="", but DBRINDEX=0 .
For substitutions, follow this example:
Note that under unix, all site configuration variables must be exported if defined in go.user. The commonly-used variables are exported for you in the go script. Anything else must be exported at the end of go.user.
Windows (all)
Important: The old, separately-maintained SITE.EXE application used to edit the configuration file (site.cfg) is obsolete and its use deprecated. If you still have this application and the associated SITE.HLP and SITEDATA.FILE in the \LISTSERV\MAIN directory, they can and should be safely deleted. Please note that current LISTSERV installation kits will delete these three files if found, since they should NOT be used with modern versions of LISTSERV. |
Windows users may prefer to use the Site Configuration Wizard in the web interface to modify the site configuration, rather than editing site.cfg by hand. However, as in earlier versions, it remains possible to edit the file by hand if necessary. Be sure to use a PLAIN TEXT editor and save as ASCII text. The file MUST NOT be saved in Unicode format.
Note that both text and numerics, unless specifically noted in the keyword documentation, do not require (and should not use) double quotes. There are a few exceptions to this general rule, and they are documented where appropriate.
For substitutions, follow this example: