3.1 Commands for LISTSERV on z/VM Servers Only
Issue a CMS command and get the last 20 lines of response sent back to you, the rest being available from the console log.
Issue a CP command and get up to 8k of response data sent to you (the rest is lost).
Control operation of databases:
DISAble |
Disable interactive database access, without shutting down existing sessions |
ENAble |
Re-enable interactive access |
Shut down all interactive database sessions, and disable interactive access |
Software update procedure (LISTSERV-NJE only):
CLEANUP shipment |
Remove an installed shipment from the log |
CLEANUP BEFORE dd mmm yy |
Remove all shipments installed before that date |
PASSWORD shipment PW=instpw |
Confirm installation of a shipment, when requested by LISTSERV |
RELOAD shipment |
Attempt to reload a shipment which failed due to a disk full condition |
STATus |
Get a list of installed “shipments” |
Suspend processing of reader files and disable the GET command
Cancel OFFLINE condition
PUTC fn ft <fm | cuu | dirid> [RECFM=F LRECL=nnn]
Update a CMS file on one of LISTSERV’s R/W mini-disks; note that this is similar to SENDFILE + RECEIVE or LINK + COPYFILE and should NOT be used to update file-server files
SENDFile fn ft <fm | cuu | dirid>
Request the server to send you a file from one of its disks
Synonym for SENDFILE
In addition to the standard SHOW functions available on other servers, z/VM servers support the following functions:
BENCHmarks |
CPU/disk/paging benchmarks. |
EXECLoad |
Statistics about EXECLOADed REXX files. |
Statistics about LSVFILER file cache. |
Statistics about PREXX functions usage. |
STORage |
Information about available disk space and virtual storage. |
Note: Some rarely-used debugging commands and options for the z/VM-specific SHOW command have been omitted. |