1.2 Other list-related commands
The INDEX command sent to LISTSERV without further qualification sends back the contents of the "root" level archive filelist on z/VM systems (LISTSERV FILELIST) or archive catalog on non-z/VM systems (SITE.CATALOG plus the contents of SYSTEM.CATALOG).
If the INDEX command is sent with the name of a list (e.g., INDEX MYLIST) or the name of a special filelist or catalog file (e.g., INDEX TOOLS, if TOOLS FILELIST on z/VM or TOOLS.CATALOG on non-z/VM exists), LISTSERV sends back the contents of the specified filelist or catalog. Several possibilities exist:
- For mailing lists without an associated filelist or catalog, LISTSERV creates an index "on the fly" containing entries for the accumulated notebook archives for that list. If notebook archives are not enabled for the list, LISTSERV will respond, "This server does not have any file by the name 'listname.filelist'."
- For mailing lists with an associated filelist or catalog, LISTSERV will append the "on the fly" index of notebook archives to the entries in the associated filelist or catalog. For instance, for a list called MYLIST with associated catalog MYLIST.CATALOG, INDEX MYLIST might return:
Table 14-1 Sample Output of an INDEX listname Command
* * MYLIST FILELIST from LISTSERV@LISTSERV.MYCORP.COM * * ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: * * The GET/PUT authorization codes shown with each file entry describe * who is authorized to GET or PUT the file: * * ALL = Everybody * CTL = LISTSERV administrators * OWN = List owners * PRV = Private, ie list members * LMC = LISTSERV master coordinator * N/A = Not applicable - file is internally maintained by LISTSERV * MSC = Miscellaneous - contact administrator for more information * * ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: * * * Information files for MYLIST * * filename filetype GET PUT size (bytes) date time * -------- -------- --- --- ------------ ---------- -------- MYLIST FAQ ALL MSC 22,528 1996-02-09 21:30:10 MYLIST WELCOME ALL MSC 279 1998-02-02 09:59:44 MYLIST FAREWELL ALL MSC 92 1998-02-05 11:06:14 * * Archive files for the MYLIST list at LISTSERV.MYCORP.COM * (monthly logs) * * filename filetype GET PUT size (bytes) date time * -------- -------- --- --- ------------ ---------- -------- MYLIST LOG9603 LOG OWN 8,668 1998-05-27 15:29:57 MYLIST LOG9605 LOG OWN 7,865 1998-06-29 08:43:26 MYLIST LOG9606 LOG OWN 17,298 1998-07-23 12:46:20 |
- Lastly, for catalogs or filelists without an associated list, the INDEX command returns only the entries in the catalog or filelist, since there are no associated list archives to be indexed.
Under z/VM, instead of the size in bytes, three separate z/VM-specific columns are used. Please note the following definitions for them:
rec -fm |
Indicates whether the file is in a fixed or variable record format |
lrecl |
Logical record length. For a file with fixed record format (F), this is the length of each record. For a file with variable record format (V), this is the maximum record length. |
nrecs |
Number of records (lines) in the file |
Access the global list of lists maintained by LISTSERV. If no options are specified, then LISTSERV returns only local lists, one line per list. The available options are:
Detailed |
All local lists, complete with full header information. |
Global /xyz |
Only those whose name or title contains 'xyz'. |
SUMmary [host] |
Membership summary for all lists on specified host, or the host to which the command is sent if no host is specified. |
SUMmary ALL |
Membership summary for all hosts (long output, send request via mail). |
Membership totals only. |
"Lists Global" without a search string, which returns the entire list of lists, may no longer be issued by general users. General users should use the "Lists Global /xyz" format to search the list of lists, or (preferably) use L-Soft's CataList service at http://www.lsoft.com/catalist.html.
"Lists SUMmary", when issued to an unregistered host or to a host running in STANDALONE mode will generate the response "No information available yet - please try again later." because the file required for this function does not exist when running without registration or in STANDALONE mode.
Query your subscription options for a particular list (use the SET command to change them). Using the "*" wildcard in place of the name of a single list queries subscription options on all lists on the server.
Register's the user's full name field in LISTSERV's SIGNUP files, or changes the current value of that field. When a user's name is registered, he or she can omit the full name field from subsequent SUBscribe requests to that server. Sending "REGISTER OFF" to LISTSERV deletes the user's entry from the SIGNUP file.
Note: When using options with the REView command, the open parenthesis "(" is used only as a switch character. Do not add a close parenthesis ")" at the end of the list of options! |
Get information about a list, assuming the list header keyword "Review=" is set appropriately. For general users, REVIEW does not return address information about subscribers who are set to CONCEAL. The options are:
BY sort_field |
Sort list in a certain order: |
Country |
Sorts by country of origin (ISO country codes) |
Date |
Sorts by subscription date (newest to oldest) |
Name |
Sorts by user name (last, then first) |
NODEid |
Sorts by hostname/nodeid |
Userid |
Sorts by userid |
BY (sort_field1 sort_field2) |
You may specify more than one sort field if the list of sort fields is enclosed in parentheses. For instance, BY (NODE NAME). |
Countries |
Synonym for BY COUNTRY |
Topics |
Adds a breakdown of subscribers per topic (if Topics= is defined in the list header) at the end of the subscriber list. If you just want the breakdown, use REVIEW listname SHORT TOPICS. This does not show topics by individual subscribers (see the QUERY command instead). If Topics= is not enabled for a given list then this option is ignored. |
LISTSERV will list local subscribers as usual, but additionally LISTSERV will cascade through any Sub-Lists and sub-sub-lists so you can verify the total of all recipients that will be mailed to. This includes pulling recipients for Dynamic Query sub-lists from SQL or LDAP sources. |
LOCal |
Don't forward request to peers. This is only useful if the list is peered; normally it should not be necessary to use this option. |
Msg |
Send reply via interactive messages rather than via email (LISTSERV-NJE users only, except that this option may also be used via the "LISTSERV Command" tool in the LISTSERV web administration interface). MSG is ignored for emailed commands. |
NOHeader |
Don't send the list header, just send the subscriber list. |
Short |
Don't list subscribers, just send the list header and the membership summary for the list. |
Note: You can get a quick read of the number of subscribers on the list by sending the command REVIEW listname SHORT NOHEADER. |
List owners and site maintainers may also use the additional option:
List concealed members (who will show up with "[concealed]" next to their entry, as well as non-concealed members. (NOT available to general users even if Review= Public.) |
Scan a list's membership for a name or address. Helpful if a user attempts to send a SET command or an UNSUB command and is informed that their address is not subscribed to the list. At the non-privileged level, this command will show all non-concealed entries that match the search text, assuming that the list is set to "Review= Public".
The following command is available on z/VM servers only.
Get statistics about a list. This command is z/VM-specific, and was originally intended to return BITNET data. The single option is:
LOCal |
Doesn't forward to peers |
If issued to a non-z/VM server, the response will be
The STATS command has not yet been ported to this environment.